Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bra and Panties

So I've received enough encouragement through other outlets, and I really can't believe I'm doing this. I really can't. But... well, here's me in my bra and panties.

I'm trying to look happy about it, but it's kind of tough when you're as embarrassed about it as I am. I don't know. It's just weird to pose like this. I feel so bare. I don't know if I like it, but a promise is a promise. And no, that's not a penis. It's just the sink faucet, you weirdos. I'm not taking a re-do picture though. You asked for it and you got it.



  1. You look great, glad you finally found that encouragement . It wasn't so bad right?

    1. I don't like the way I look. :-\

    2. It's 2014, if you don't like the way you look, change the way you look. There's nothing you can't change about yourself these days. Being dissatisfied will only breed more sadness if you do nothing, work towards who you wan to be. Even if it's only baby steps at a time, you'll feel better. Don't believe me? Read a blog of someone who is actively improving themselves, they're generally happier people. Just a thought.

  2. Then, maybe you should change yourself. Your obviously not happy with yourself. You admire beauty from afar , yet you don't allow yourself to experience it .

  3. I think you look great dear but you don't have to do stuff like this if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I said it before, you are very lovely as you are.

  4. Strangely enough I’d say both Chrissy AND Rudy are right; you look great the way you are and there is no NEED to change anything (or give in to the pestering of some people to do things if you’re not comfortable doing it.)

    While there is no NEED to change you obviously have body issues; no one sane is going to say you are anything less than cute, and all you need to be flat out beautiful is a shot of confidence. But the only person’s opinion on whether your attractive or not that really matter is your own...and you obviously don’t FEEL beautiful.

    So what you need to decide is, are these pictures you keep posting what you WANT to be? Or are they simply stopping you from seeing how beautiful you already are?

    Despite what you might be thinking, I am not trying to steer you in either direction, there really is no RIGHT answer, only YOUR answer...

    If you decided the pics represent the real you? Then you need to change, you need to do what you need to do to feel good about yourself, no excuses; you know that old saying that if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything? Well at the moment I’d say you DON’T have your health, certainly not your emotional & mental health, and life is to sort and too precious not to address this...

    So if you need to change to be happy then change and if that means you “can’t do your job” then frankly “screw” that particular job; they can’t dismiss you due to your looks or lifestyle if your are still fulfilling your obligations to the company, that’s discrimination and is ground for suing them until they bleed out their ears. Also to be fair I’d like to point out how unexpectedly supportive people can turn out to be, don’t simply presume that they’d dismiss you on the spot or railroad you out of the company, you really genuinely might be surprised...

    All that being said if it’s a matter of either your job, or changing and being happy? Go for the happy, being happy is one of the MOST important things, it’s one of the top three factors that determines your quality of life, it impact on your actual physical health, lifespan the works...while it may be scary to contemplate there are other jobs out there but there is only one you...

    On the other hand if you decided that this is all just smoke and mirrors, a harmless pastime and you are fine the way you are, then you need to EMBRACE that and OWN it...I want to see a picture of you ...clothed or unclothed...heck paint yourself bright blue with yellow spots, I don’t care...but importantly I want to see you smiling and actually looking HAPPY...

  5. Hey, sorry to be a pain. But didn’t you spot the fact that you left your work ID on in the first picture you posted? That’s not the way to keep this separate form your “real” life Amanda Thompson of TVCorp!!

    Like I said sorry to be a pain, but I work in IT too and I’ve seen little slips like this really mess thing up for people, a little better def on that picture and I could have replicated your ID card down to the barcode!!

  6. Dear, you are a beautiful girl...maybe a bit plain without clothes and makeup but it doesn't take much to change from plain to unbelievable! Here's to hoping you have a successful journey and that you find what makes you happy!

  7. You should do more pictures. They'll help motivate you.
