Monday, August 4, 2014

Oh god, what have I done???

I was rummaging through my closet to find something to wear today, and I was met with the most horrible of sights. Boxes and bags. TONS of them. I don't even remember.... oh god, the receipt says that I spent over $1500 on clothes and shoes. What am I going to do???

By the way, that's not a selfie. My stupid webcam takes random pictures now. I think someone infected it with a virus, and now I can't remove this stupid thing. As you can see, I put on one of the shirts I must have tried on. They're cute and everything, but $1500??? I'm going to be scraping by until my next paycheck!

Please send love and hugs my way.



  1. You have nothing BUT my hugs and kisses...but have you actually READ your previous post? Because you seem to have another personality riding around with you and you REALLY need to address that!!

    Also with everything going on, that “virus” sounds VERY suspicious, try and make sure it isn’t SENDING those pics anywhere...

    Anyway all the best and just hang in there.

  2. Oh, you can earn some extra money. Just let Tiffany take over and she'll find a way...

  3. Clearly some split personality going on. Seems like you're not worried about that too much. That's why you spent so much!

  4. Amanda you got all the hugs and love you need from me. If you have the receipt, why not take some of it back, if not all of it? Food and health are more important than any cute outfit.

  5. Maybe you're just ridiculously suggestible?

  6. Amanda, I commented in your last post that you seemed to have a split personality disorder. The "Tiffy" persona replied that she was all fine though.

    Perhaps there is some repressed part of you trying to get out. I suggest you see a psychiatrist and get to the bottom of this, or she may start getting out more and more often...

  7. Amanda, No matter how bleak and despairing things are you must keep your chin up and look on the bright side of life some thing will turn up, And never loose your sense of humour, Love & hugs.

  8. If you run out of money, you can return some of the clothes.

  9. Have you looked at your previous selfie? This is exactly the same shirt. Btw, you should keep it :)
