Friday, September 5, 2014

Oh no...

I think... I think I had a bit too much fun last night. Barbie took this picture of me and it looks like it automatically uploaded here. All I could do was add text. It won't let me delete it. Oh god. Oh god, what am I going to do??? If work sees this, I'm going to be fired! I mean, I know that I don't want the job anymore, but if anyone sees, I'm totally screwed. Oh god, oh god.

So this... yeah. This is me after wayyy too many tequila shots at the club. Barbie... Barbie took the picture, but she didn't know it would be uploaded right away. Oh god, what am I going to do????

Somebody please help me.



  1. I'd say you would be fire just from the calling in sick and going clubbing thing.
    Regardless, you look very sexy, you should consider getting a nipple piercing.

  2. What's done is done Amanda. The only thing you can do now is make a decision. I know it's gonna be hard, but your old life just waved goodbye to you the second Barbie took that picture. You need embrace your new life and the new you, OR suffer humiliation if you try to hang on to your old life. Let go my love, only you can save you now. Become the person you were meant to be.

    1. But it's just scary. What if my life is totally ruined by this???

    2. One door shuts, another one opens. Do you not realize that your life is not ruined, but in fact offering you a new opportunity? I agree that it is scary my love, but change always is, it's what makes us human. Like the changes to the wonderful new you, you must also change with it. Let's look at a few things, the changes to your body, the new tattoos, the clothes, the piercings and the free spirit attitude that you are desperately trying to hold in check along with your OLD and UNHAPPY life. Why stop at this moment? Why stop now? You obviously enjoy the new you, go with it, and move on to a more satisfying and fulfilling life. I am with you on this honey, you should be too...

    3. Hehe I suppose.... I do feel really good nowadays. It's so fun and relaxing to just go to the club with Barbie. But I need to make money!

    4. Get your body (read breasts) in better shape and you can easily work the clubs and make bank.

    5. Then do something you enjoy and the money will come. Trust me my love you have a lot going for you and if you like to party and have fun, you should get a job that lets you do that and pays you at the same time. You'll feel like you never worked a day in your life if you enjoy what you love...

  3. That happened because you're all the time partying and not at work, you naughty girl... ;)


  4. Amanda,When you go back to your work tell your bosses that someone spiked your drink and you lost control and that you are deeply sorry for your actions, You have a nice rack and you need to get your nipples pierced and fitted with nipple rings also you should get your nose done aswell and fitted with a stud or ring and may be some more ink on your great body, Party on girl. Love & hugs

    1. I... I guess I could do that. I'm just still a little freaked out.

  5. you look as goos as the bimbos u posted

  6. Tough call Amanda wich may not have a right answer and it is the perfect time to be confident about yourself. You could say that someone hacked your phone and that picture was never intended to be public. At this time you are not the only one suffering from pics getting uploaded out of accident from "cough" Apple "cough". So you could apologize, but eventually you have to make a decision about what you want to do after you quit. Maybe barbie would have some ideas? Take care babe and remember that world doesn't end in a picture of boobs : ).

  7. Amanda! This is perfect, now you will have to leave your old job for sure. Try getting a job at the club you go to all the time? You're already showing off your assets there so they would probably hire someone as hot as you. I'm glad you got really drunk and had fun!

  8. Your life won't be ruined. You look great, you seem happier, just go with the flow.

  9. I literally came 2 liters of semen.
