Friday, October 30, 2015


Thank goodness it's Friday... or what else can TGIF stand for? Tits... Gigantic... In... Fresno? I dunno. If you have a better idea, leave it in the comments below! I only got one comment on my last post, which makes me super sad! Jenni worked so hard! I know that I've been gone for a little bit, but I do read every one of your comments, and it makes me and the girls so happy to know that we're making you all happy, cheerful, and horny!

So please leave comments for us to read! Tonight is my first Friday off of escort work in a long time, so I'm going to go to the club with the girls and maybe leave a little early for some special fun with a special friend. ;) Guess we'll just have to see where the night takes us!

I'll be taking the weekend off to relax by the pool and enjoy the weather before it becomes freezing cold again. Yes, I know that 65 degrees isn't freezing because I moved to Cali from the northeast USA, but still! I've adapted to the weather and I've become a California Girl. I don't like the cold!

Have an awesome weekend everyone, and as a little bit of help to get you through a long weekend of sports, drinking, or whatever else you're gonna do, here's a teaser from a shoot I did. I'll be releasing the rest next week!

Have fun this weekend!



  1. Well i wish you and your friends a great weekend! I guess just out of the blue on the TGIF thing Those_Giant_Implants_Are_Fun lol or it would change it to TGIAF lol, Love your new pic Mandi, hope you and your friends show us more of your beauty in new pics from the weekend and if i would not be so far, i would come down and party it up with you girls lol, tho i live up kind of far north( well ok there is more north then that) but pretty much, i live in the northern jungle lol, you girls have a blast!

  2. You look really gorgeous, as always. In this case TGIF means you having The..Greatest..Implants ..Forever.

  3. Bigger lips please..

  4. welllllllll when I saw the pic sof your team I said TGIF for each one( more or less soome time the F changed for another letter )... This Girl Is Fantastic!

  5. The..Girls..Are..Fabulous.
    Have fun this weekend.

  6. You have a great team! You have done a wonderful job getting them ready for their future! Hope we see some of the pictures of their progress to get to this point...Have a great weekend~!

  7. You should become a pornstar. I bet you would make a ton of cash.

  8. Thank Goodness I'm Fake.
