Thursday, October 23, 2014

Professional Shoot, Part V

As a note to those who have followed, I want to remind you of my illness, which is why you don't see a story with the pictures. I'm still waiting to hear from a specialist regarding my illness, and the wait is the worst part. I would again like to thank Avaro for his amazing work and his patience with me in a very tough time in my life. And I would like to thank you all, as well. I understand if you don't want to follow this blog anymore, but I appreciate anyone who continues to read and for the concern so many of you have shown.

While I may not always have the energy to reply (and sometimes those replies are unintentionally mean), I do read every comment, and your love and well wishes are much appreciated.

I love you all!



  1. Looking forward for the finished story whenever you get better, the pictures look awesome!

  2. I'm not going to stop following this blog. when you get better, I'll be here to pick it back up with you :)

  3. We can't really appreciate the story no that we know you're not well IRL... Your work with Avaro is truly remarkable though and I hope that you get better very soon ! :)

  4. I Love You Sweetheart, Visualize the place you want to be and you will get there. Richelle xoxo

  5. I hope you get the help you need soon and like others, I will be here when you get the work you and Avaro are doing here and hope you can be back to what you two love to do in no time...Get well and return when you are better!

  6. Get better hun, I'll still be peeking in for updates and any news on your health. Lots of love!

  7. You are gorgeous! Get better soon :)

  8. Forgetting our collective orgasms for a minute, an actual human being is on the other end making this all possible. Hoping super hard for the author's good health. Thanks for doing what you do.

    1. P.S. Puffier lips, longer nails, and obv bigger titties next ;)
