Monday, October 20, 2014

Professional Shoot, Part III

OOC Note: So this is Amanda/Tiffy. I hate to be a damper on the fun, but due to my sickness, I need to take a short break. Avaro has been so amazing through all of this, but my disease is making it hard for me to work up energy, even if it's just to sit at a desk and think of a way to continue a story.

As I mentioned in my last post, this is a hormonal disease that saps my energy, and the good news is that it's completely reversible after surgery. I just need to see a specialist and then schedule a surgery so that the problem can be cared for. Then I will be good as new. Until then, I suffer with little to no energy, and it's tough enough to just get out of bed to get to work.

I don't say this so you feel bad for me. I say that so that you can know why I don't respond to comments like I used to or why my story posts have been shorter. To make it up to you and to Avaro for your patience and your love, I will be posting every picture from this blog on my DeviantART with a new story that will be written when I have a better, more focused mind.

For those of you who are curious and want to be nosey to look up what disease could possibly do this, look up the symptoms for hyperparathyroidism. It's not fun, but I hope that once I have the surgery to remove the badly working gland, I'll be good as new.

Thank you all so much for your patience, and I will do my best to continue to post pictures. The story just may be lacking, and for that, I apologize to you all. Any good thoughts or prayers you can make for me will be greatly appreciated.



  1. All the best wishes and get well soon...

  2. Get better soon! The bimbofication of Mandy must be completed and there is only one person who can do it! We'll be waiting patiently :)

  3. This has been enjoyable blog, best wishes Tiffy! I hope that you have a quick recovery.

  4. I hope you get well soon!

    Have I understood this correctly: this blog won't be updated futher, or is it just a 1-2 month break?

    1. The blog will be updated with pictures. The story might just be lacking.

  5. All the best wishes and get well soon...
