Friday, April 10, 2015

Before and After, Pt I

So I've uncovered some pictures from my old computer (I bought a new faster one with a better webcam!), and I thought I'd share with you some before and afters. Can you believe how much I've changed in less than a year? My goodness!

Poor little boring Amanda all ready for her boring work.

Bodacious boobed Mandi after her latest round of plastic surgery! Perfection, here I come!


  1. Wow, you look huge, so nice!

  2. Glad you approve.

  3. You look STUNNING I can't wait for to see you evolve into a vision of plastic perfection through surgery. The more you go under the knife the closer you get to you goal of being a perfect piece of plastic perfection. Don't stop now Mandi hunni just keep going you know it's for the best. Have you thought about getting the shape of your eyes changed with your next round of surgery?. You would look unbelievable with Asian/Oriental eyes, Just a thought. Just you keep looking for that perfection and you won't go wrong.

  4. So did you decide to go even bigger With your boobs?

  5. So pretty eyes you have. Have to admit, those added shapes are making it hard for me to look up there though! Loving your new strawberry creams.

  6. it's getting too big for my taste... for me you looked amazing already. I'd have stopped before the huge tattoo and just added little things like a lip frenulum piercing, nail piercing and such. Also played a little with latex, that would have been amazing.
    Still curious where things will go, just don't get too extreme.

  7. You have the perfect bimbo body! Maybe a few more tattoos... But the question we're all wondering Mandi is are you having the proper bimbo thoughts too? Don't' you want to be perfect in mind, body, and soul?

  8. And the way she speaks? Not that bimboish!

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  10. Oh no, I was hoping you wouldn't have cut your hair after all this time but... alas. Still, looking good though. Can't wait until the bandage comes off.
