Tuesday, January 12, 2016

All Good Things...

Hello everyone!

It's with great pleasure and a bit of sadness that I'm announcing this is my last post. You've all followed me on my bimbo journey for nearly two years, and I think that now is the time to complete it. I've fallen head over heels for Mr. A, and I think he's gonna pop a big question soon! Hehe. He says I can still work as an escort and fuck who I want, but I need to make sure to come home to him!

So these will be the last pictures you'll see of me for a while. I've got a lot of work on my hands with the expansion of my workout studios throughout the entire state of California and being so in demand for my escort service. So like all good things, this blog must come to an end.

I'm so very happy that I've found my Bimbo Way. Now it's time for other bimbos to go out and find theirs. And every step of the way, I'll be cheering for them.

Author's Note: So many thanks need to go into this entire blog. First and foremost, there are super thanks to the absolutely incredible Avaro56. You can follow him on DeviantART by clicking here. He's got a lot of fantastic things that aren't related to Mandi's changes.

And I want to thank you all for sticking with me. As most of you know, I was struck down with an unexpected and rare illness about midway through the development of this blog. It's gone inactive more times that I would really care to admit, but I thank you all for sticking with me.

As a final note, this isn't the end of Mandi's adventures. I'll be taking these pictures and uploading them to my own DeviantART and telling an alternate story with them. You can follow me by clicking here.

Thank you all again for making such a wonderful project so worth it. I cherish you all.

With all the love in the world,


  1. So sorry to hear it's over. Thank you so much. I'll miss it x

  2. Damn shame.. Thank you for all you've given us though!
