Saturday, May 16, 2015

Moved to the Beach

Hey everyone!

It seems like my time here is winding down. I've been so super busy with clients and my new workout studio that I might be calling this blog quits in a little bit. I might post things occasionally, but with everything going on in my life, I've gotta help others.

That's what I've always been about, helping others. It's not the brain that makes the bimbo. It's the body. And I want to inspire others to have bimbo bodies too, which is why I started the workout studio. And, of course, I like to help big strong men get off!

So for those of you clamoring for me to dumb down, I promise you that I can act like a ditzy dumb blonde when asked, but that's just not who I am. I'm a helper, not someone that needs help.

Recently, I moved out to California to celebrate my new life and open up a bigger studio. It seems that this blog has given me a lot of fans out there, and my studio has already paid for itself! The adjustment from New England weather to California weather has been incredible, and I took a day for myself and went to the beach a few blocks from my house.

Yes, I moved houses, but a designer was nice enough to design my "office room" just like the one back home, since that's where you all fell in love with me. I told him it was important to have the pink walls too!

Anyway, here are some pictures of me at the beach.


  1. Don't leave! You're such a role model!

  2. I don't know Mandi, saying a body is all you need to be a bimbo leaves out distinctions between people like sluts, gold diggers, and bimbos.

    Regardless, thanks for putting this together. Even if it didn't head in the direction I would've liked, I still enjoyed what you shared with us. Good luck in the future :^)

  3. I just wounder? Maybe you could make a site showing all the women you will help become as beautiful as you, it be nice if you could keep at it, cause i like this blog and i bet it could go a higher level

  4. Mandi, have you ever given a thought about how... fast all this has happened? You started this blog... what, 10 months ago? Just a normal, shy business woman, with bimbo fantasies and nothing more. And here you are, a dream girl. Even with all the work you've put in, that almost seems... magical, doesn't it?

  5. Maybe you can become just like your friend Barbie and help others achive the perfect bimbo body!

  6. it would be a shame if the blog ended, especially so close to it's restart. also i think there is still so much about you to tell mandi!
    Even if you don't want to be the center of it anymore. You could pic a girl of your choice and document her bimbo way assisted by you! I am sure there would be a cute nerdy asian girl that would need your help to find her bimbo way! and i am sure we all would love to see how you do your magic on her!
